Brannon Howse: Aired May 15, 2014


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Guest: Dr. Tommy Ice: Topic: A reconstructionist group took issue this week with a quote from a book by Dr. Tommy Ice quoting reconstructionist Gary North and then claimed that the research of Brannon and Dr. Ice was not accurate. Tommy explains why they are wrong and provides more proof that the extreme Word of Faith types, reconstructionists and fundamentalist Baptists were indeed working together starting in the 1980s to “reclaim the culture”. Topic: The New Apostolic Reformation has a new movie out called Sons of God about Joel’s Army, the Manifested Sons of God or Omega Children as they are known in the NAR. Brannon and Dr. Ice have been warning about this unbiblical theology for a long time and now the NAR proponents have actually released a film on their crazy theology. Topic: We take your calls.

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