Brannon Howse: Aired May 16, 2012


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There is an old heresy that is rapidly growing known as the “Manifested Sons of God”. Proponents of this heresy take Romans 8:18-23 out of context to declare that Christ will come in His church before He comes for His church. They teach that when this outpouring of the spirit comes onto the church then the church will be sinless, raise the dead, and establish God’s Kingdom. Only then can Jesus finally come to earth to rule and reign. On today’s program Brannon explains the proper context and meaning of Romans 8:18-23 and explains how this Manifested Sons of God heresy, also known as Omega Children, is similar to the Omega Point taught by many within the New Age Movement that speaks of when New Agers discover their Christ consciousness. Brannon also provides quotes by New Apostolic Reformation proponents on how Catholics, Mormons, and Seventh-Day Adventists much come together with evangelicals for a “unity of faith” or the Kingdom of God will never occur. Perhaps this explains why so many with the Word of Faith and NAR movement are working with the New Religious Right one ecumenical event after another.

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