Brannon Howse: Aired on May 17, 2011


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If the choice for President is between Mormon Mitt Romney who has flip flopped on abortion and same-sex marriage and socialized medicine or Obama, what will you do? Brannon plays clips of Gingrich saying he has no problem with mandated national health insurance and a clip of Gingrich and Pelosi working together to fight global warming. Gingrich also was asked by the Macon Telegraph about his working with the New Apostolic Reformation and their “Seven Mountain Mandate” that hopes to establish God’s kingdom on earth now. Brannon also plays a clip of Ron Paul who has no problem with homosexual marriage. Herman Cain has served on the board of the Federal Reserve board for Kansas City so he is clearly not going to be the solution as he appears to be friends with the institution that is responsible for our demise. The options are not looking good. Is there really any difference between the two parties and does it really matter in the end? Has America come under the control of the European, Financial Stability Board and the Bank for International Settlements to the point that decisions are being made far beyond the President and thus America’s future has been already pre-determined?

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