Brannon Howse: Aired on May 18, 2011


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Brannon’s guest is Jimmy DeYong. Jimmy is back to discuss new developments in the Beck Israel rally coming this August. Worldview Weekend has found a sound clip of Glenn Beck saying, “We are entering a - we are entering a dark, dark period of man. Um, I was, um, I was in the Vatican, and I was surprised that the individual I was speaking to knew who I was. And they said: 'Of course we know who you are. What you're doing is wildly important. We're entering a period of great darkness, and if good people don't stand up, we could enter a period unlike we have seen in a very long time.' It was odd to stand in the Vatican and hear those words. Of all places that would understand the Dark Ages.” Does the Vatican see Beck as being “wildly important” because Beck, like the Vatican, is pushing ecumenicalism? What role will the Church of Rome play in the coming one-world religion spoken of in the Bible? Has the Church of Rome offered to oversee an agreement between Jews and Muslims as to the building of the Temple in Jerusalem? Jimmy DeYoung explains from the Bible why will the antichrist will not be a Muslim and Brannon explains why Muslims would never worship a man that sets himself up to be worshipped as god as the Bible says the antichrist will do. While Brannon and Jimmy are not calling anyone the antichrist, who on the world scene today is embracing the issues, philosophies and religious views that the antichrist will certainly embrace? How is this person being accepted by the false church today? Does the acceptance of this man today give us an understanding of how easily the antichrist will be accepted by the religions of the world?

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