Brannon Howse: Aired May 21, 2013


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Topic: Hear the audio of Patricia King and one of her followers discussing visits to three different morgues to practice raising the dead. Topic: King takes Matthew 10:5-9 out of context to declare that she and her followers are called to raise the dead. Brannon explains why she is taking Scripture out of context and who was Jesus really speaking to and about? Topic: Apostles could raise the dead. King is not an Apostle and if she were she could be poisoned and not die as described in Mark 16:14-18. Paul was bit by a Viper as described in Acts 28:3-6 and he was not impacted by the poison and did not die. Topic: Bill Bright in the mid-1980s wrote of a girl raised from the dead north of India. In his article, Bright takes Mark 10:27 out of context. This verse declares that all things are possible with God but as Brannon explains, this verse is speaking about salvation. Topic: This little girl in India claimed to have gone to heaven. What does Paul tell us in 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 that easily refutes this girl’s claim? Topic: We take your calls.

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