Brannon Howse: Aired May 21, 2014


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Guest: Ed Decker. Topic: Glenn Beck took to his radio program this week to apparently go after Brannon and Ed Decker and a few others for their recent national radio program and articles. Beck declares that those that have been talking badly about him and David Barton were now publically criticizing Liberty University for having him, a Mormon, speak at their Christian University to the students. Ed and Brannon certainly have spent the past few years exposing the false teaching of David Barton, the problems with the theology of Glenn Beck and Liberty University embracing Glenn Beck. Hear the audio of Glenn Beck coming unglued on his radio program. Beck says he cannot find in the Bible where Jesus said you would know a person by their fruit. Brannon tells Glenn where he can find that in Matthew. Glenn says he does not see where Jesus does not embrace people in the Bible. Brannon points him to Mathew and John where Jesus did not embrace all people but actually told them they were of their father the devil and going to hell. Glenn said he does not see hate in the Bible. Brannon points Glenn to several Bible passages that tell us what God clearly says he hates. Former Mormon Ed Decker then reveals the hypocrisy of some of the statements of Glenn Beck and how they are not consistent what his own Mormon church proclaims or does. Topic: We take your calls.

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