Brannon Howse: Aired May 22, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for this installment of “Ask Dr. John”. Topic: Is there an age of accountability for children, will there be children in hell? Topic: If there are no animals in heaven, does that contradict Jesus and the saints coming out of heaven on white horses? Topic: How should Christians respond when a friend or family member inquires of us about where their unsaved friends or family members went when they died? Topic: Why is it false to say that New Testament translations from the Aramaic are more accurate than New Testament translations from the Greek? Topic: At the time of the rapture is the Holy Spirit removed from the earth? Topic: Where in the Bible do we see a description for the timing of the rapture? Topic: How should Christians respond when people say “God spoke to me”? What is the difference between the Holy Spirit convicting us or prompting us verses the false belief that God is audibly speaking to us today? Topic: What is the meaning of Wormwood in the bible? Topic: Will glorified people be filled with the Holy Spirit in heaven? Topic: Will all three Persons of the Godhead be visible in heaven?

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