Brannon Howse: Aired May 23, 2013


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Topic: Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? (Part Two). On today’'s program hear the shocking audio from a television news channel in Lynchburg, Virginia in which an admitted homosexual student speaks of his time at Liberty University. The television news station reports that this man is now attending the seminary at Liberty University. The student wrote an article for “The Atlantic Magazine” in April of 2013, entitled “Being Gay at Jerry Falwell'’s University.” Topic: In the article in "The Atlantic" the student wrote: "““Before I moved off-campus, I lived with the coolest group of guys in perhaps the coolest and most esteemed hall on campus: E-6,” he stated. “When we weren’t jumping off the James River bridge naked, we were four-wheeling naked. And when we weren’t playing naked ‘Man Games’ on Thursday night (which were a two-hour series of homoerotic slap-and-tickle games), we were sneaking into the East Campus pool after hours… naked. Everyone on campus loved our guys because they were cool; I loved them because they were constantly naked."” Topic: The Christian Post reports that Liberty Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. said that the student “"hit the nail on the head"” and that "“I think Liberty has always been the place —my father said it a million times— where you hate sin but love the sinner, and never condemn anybody or judge anybody but try to help them."” Topic: Where are the pro-family leaders and religious broadcasters warning of God’'s judgment on Liberty University or a tornado ripping through Lynchburg because of how they have handled this situation or because they are now reportedly allowing this young man to enroll in a master’s program at Liberty Seminary? Many within the New Religious Right are known for predicating God’'s judgment through natural disasters when a state passes a same-sex marriage law but where are the New Religious Right when it comes to what is going on within evangelicalism? Where are the fundraising letters from the New Religious Right condemning Liberty University and asking for money so they can save America? Brannon is making the point that Christians should not expect the good ole boy club of the New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals to publically condemn or challenge the actions of Liberty University or any of the other serious theological issues inside modern-day evangelicalism. Apparently today'’s New Religious Right and neo-evangelicals don'’t take too seriously the Biblical mandate to judge those inside the faith as spoken of in I Peter 4:17 or I Corinthians 5:12 but prefer to judge the unsaved world. Perhaps raising money by ranting against the unsaved world is more successful than discussing the unbiblical actions and theology within evangelicalism? Topic: Here is another example of the problems within evangelicalism that much of the New Religious Right ignores. Hear an audio of Pat Robertson answer a women that is struggling with the fact that her husband committed adultery. Robertson tells her that “he’s a man” and “but recognize also, like it or not, males have a tendency to uh, uh, wander a little bit...” Topic: We take your calls.

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