Brannon Howse: Aired on May 24, 2011


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Glenn Beck’s Black Robe Regiment, The New Apostolic Reformation, Neo-evangelicalism and Dominion Theology. One of the leaders of Glenn Beck’s Black Robe Regiment is Pastor Tom Mullins of Christ Fellowship in West Palm Beach. What can we learn about Mullins and his associates that will help us understand his worldview. Mullins’ teaching pastor at his church is John Maxwell who has filled the pulpit for Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral. C. Peter Wagner of the New Apostolic Reformation, Rick Warren, and John Maxwell have produced an audio book entitled “The Purposeful Church”. Wagner of the NAR has also endorsed Maxwell’s Equip organization. Numerous researchers report that Maxwell has served on the board of “Lead Like Jesus” for Ken Blanchard along with Rick Warren, Bob Buford and Bill Hybels. Blanchard apparently was appointed by Rick Warren to assist him with his global PEACE plan. Maxwell’s book “Thinking for a Change” has been endorsed by Ken Blanchard and Maxell has written the forward to Blanchard’s book “The Secret”. Mullins is also listed as a board member on Maxwell’s Equip website. Blanchard’s endorsement is on the Back Cover of Deepak Chopra's 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. Is Beck using neo-evangelicals and are neo-evangelicals using Beck. Are they all using each other to further their individual brands of dominion theology and neo-evangelicalism?

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