Brannon Howse: Aired on May 26, 2011


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Topic One: Study suggests “born-again” believers have smaller brains. Hear the details of this “study” and hear why Brannon believes this is nothing but bigotry against Christians. What would you expect from a psychologist? Topic Two: Tim LaHaye’s new book is endorsed by Glenn Beck. Topic Three: Jim Daly of Focus on the Family says that “we’ve probably lost that”; referring to the battle against same-sex marriage. Pat Robertson says he is not sure how much was accomplished by his political work and starting the Christian Coalition. Brannon discusses how if Focus on the Family, Pat Roberson and other such organizations had spent time teaching a sound Biblical gospel, rejecting easy believism; warning the church of false teaching and false teachers then far more would be accomplished for eternity. A nation’s culture cannot be changed unless the churches are solid Biblically and sadly most self-professing Christians are not theologically and doctrinally solid and thus they are increasing not socially conservative. Topic Four: We take your calls.

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