Brannon Howse: Aired on May 27, 2011


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Topic One: John Piper interviews Rick Warren for 98 minutes but asks one softball question after another. Piper did not have the courage to ask Warren why he had three men at his church for the Daniel Plan that promote the occult, why he quotes nine mystics in his Purpose Driven Life book, why he signed the Yale document that says Christians and Muslims worship “one God”, why he is on the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that is working to bring the religions of the world together. Brannon believes Piper is working overtime to prove Warren is a conservative evangelical because Piper does not have the humility to admit he was wrong for praising Warren months ago and having him speak via video at his Desiring God conference. Brannon believes Piper has compromised to a point where Biblically committed Christians must cease to follow him or support him unless and until he repents. Topic Two: One of Brannon’s listeners has called Tim Keller “the reformed movements Rick Warren”. Listen to the contents of the presentation delivered by Keller before a Council on Foreign Relations call as well as the question and answer time comments and you will see why many believe Keller is part of the religious Trojan horse. Keller reveals his extreme ignorance about the Koran and Islam, refers to the writings of cult leaders at “sacred texts”, completely misrepresents the Bible in talking about “common grace” and says nothing but “uh” when a questioner says that the Old Testament tradition was not about converting people but building on common ground. Brannon says that Keller has revealed he is full of hot air when it comes to his self-proclaimed commitment to the proclamation of the gospel. In over an hour Keller was given many opportunities to give the gospel message and not only did he fail at doing so, he went so far as to leave the impression that Christians that are bold in their proclamation of truth to those in false religions were intolerant.

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