Brannon Howse: Aired on May 31, 2011


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Hear some of the sound bites of John Piper interviewing Rick Warren on May 1, 2011. Piper admits he has an agenda in interviewing Warren. Piper admits the interview will be “an appreciative critique” and says he is appalled at Warren’s critics and that such critics could undo the Bible as the Word of God. Piper praises Warren’s global PEACE plan. Warren says he has the gift of evangelism. Is that why Warren avoids giving the gospel to the unsaved in one TV interview and speech after another? Warren says the many Muslims have a heart for God. What God would that be Rick? Topic Two: Bill Hybels’ wife, Lynne, is appointed to Obama’s faith counsel. She wants Willow Creek to be “known for being the greenest church on the planet.” Lynne writes for neo-Marxist Jim Wallis and Sojourners.

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