Brannon Howse: Aired May 7, 2013


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Topic: Brannon discusses his new article entitled “Missional: When Evangelicals Support The Social Gospel/Social Justice by Another Name.” Topic: Ask Dr. John. Brannon puts your questions to Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: What is the difference between walking in sin and struggling in sin? I have been struggling against some things in my life that are obvious sins and other things that I am uncertain about. Question: What exactly is a drunkard? I see some people who drink and still appear to be strong biblically and others who only party all the time as I once did. Question: Was Paul referring to the Law and the Prophets (rather than the entire canon) in 2 Tim. 3:16? Was John referring to his own writings in Rev. 22:18 and 19? I am not disputing the truths often drawn from the verses, but I have learned to be careful not to take Scripture out of context. Question: "The Book of Enoch" seems to be coming up more in conversation. I realize it is not inspired nor part of the canon of scripture, but is it reliable information? Question: Do you believe that when a Christian dies he sleeps in the grave until Jesus returns or are those who have died in heaven without their new bodies (in a spiritual form)? What Scriptures back up your position on this? Question: Will the Holy Spirit indwell those who believe during the tribulation? Question: What else will change during the Tribulation as compared with this age of grace? Question: How can we say that the curse will be removed during the Millennial Kingdom (with no sickness and harmony between humans and animals) if there will still be sinful people? Question: Ps. 89:36, 37 speaks of David's seed enduring forever and compares it to the moon as lasting forever. Rev. 21:23 it speaks of the New Jerusalem and the New Earth not needing sun or moon. Am I to understand that there will not be a moon or only that it will not serve the same purpose that it does now? Question: What do you view as the greatest avenues of spiritual opportunity in these last days?

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