Brannon Howse: Aired May 7, 2014


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Breaking News! Brannon interviews William Baer who was arrested Monday evening at a school board meeting in Gilford, N.H., after speaking out against a sexually graphic book that was given to his daughter to read without his permission or knowledge. The pages are so graphic Brannon cannot read them on the air. The video of this father speaking to the school board and subsequent arrest has gone viral. Before he even appears on Fox News with Megan Kelly he is on live with Worldview Weekend Radio. What is happening in America when a father is arrested for protecting his daughter and defending his parental authority and that of other parents? Why was this room not filled with like-minded fathers? In a day and age in which liberalism has sought to feminize men; this father should be praised and not arrested. Brannon gives you the phone numbers of the School Superintendent and the police department if you would like to let them know your thoughts on this matter. Topic: Usama Dakdok joins Brannon to discuss the kidnapping of dozens of girls in Nigeria by a radical Islamic terrorist group for the purpose of selling them as slaves. Topic: Usama warns about the spread of Sharia in America and numerous lawmakers in Florida that voted against a bill that would have prohibited foreign law from being accepted in Florida courtrooms.

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