Brannon Howse: Aired on November 10, 2011


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Brannon’s guest is Rev. Justin Peters and Rev. Jack Hughes. Topic: A critique of “Experiencing God". Brannon and Justin have been declaring that many of the heresy of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation have crept into most evangelical churches and denominations whether they know it or not. Howse and Peters can tell you this is true of the Southern Baptist Convention. Howse and Peters believe that one book and two authors that are partly responsible for this include Henry Blackaby and Claude King through their book and workbook “Experiencing God.” This book and workbook has sold millions of copies worldwide but does the book and workbook present Biblical truth mixed with false teaching? Rev. Hughes and Rev. Peters say yes and explain in detail and by the page numbers just how this book takes Scripture out of context and promotes the mysticism of hearing the audible voice of God. Rev. Peters and Rev. Hughes explain how this book encourages Christians to live and make decisions based on feelings, a sense, or an experience instead of relying on the study and practice of God’s Word. Howse, Peters and Hughes make it perfectly clear they believe in and teach about the ministry of the Holy Spirit as described in the Word of God. However, all three of these men believe that “Experiencing God” is attributing to the Holy Spirit and to God practices that are contrary to the Word of God. The interview begins by providing Biblical definitions to special revelation, general revelation, inspiration, illumination, providence, and prayer. Hughes and Peters explain how “Experiencing God” has a faulty view of revelation, inspiration, and illumination, and undermines the sufficiency of Scripture. “Experiencing God” also provides an unbiblical definition of prayer that has God speaking to us whereas Biblical prayer is our speaking to God. Rev. Hughes explains that “the Providence of God is His behind the scenes working in all the present activities of His creation to bring about those things He has decreed will come to pass.” “Experiencing God” incorrectly teaches that God always reveals His providential plans to Christians which really turns Christians into prophets. This is a broadcast that has come about due to the many listeners that have e-mailed Brannon asking for him to provide a critique of “Experiencing God”.

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