Brannon Howse: Aired November 12, 2014


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Topic: School district in Maryland drops Christmas and Jewish holidays to appease Muslims. Topic: American Family Association is up to their silly ways again as they hammer retailers that don’t celebrate Christmas to their liking. Why should AFA care whether or not non-Christian retailers say Merry Christmas or have enough Christmas signs while they have been documented to sit and interview numerous false teachers like Rick Joyner, Steve Hill, Heidi Baker and many others? Hitler celebrated Christmas so are we to believe that if someone has Christmas signage in their stores and says Merry Christmas they love Jesus and are pro-family? Do an internet search of Hitler and Christmas and look at the pictures of Hitler celebrating Christmas. How moronic to think because some retailer says Merry Christmas in their stores or ads that this means they are acknowledging the Jesus of the Bible. Was Hitler following the Jesus of the Bible? No! Which group do you think God is really most concerned and troubled by, the retailers or AFA? Talk about straining at gnats and swallowing camels. Topic: Tony Campolo is a well-known social justice, emergent-church proponent that we have covered for years. Now his son Bart has come out in an interview to claim that he is no longer a Christian. Hear the reasons he gives for denouncing Christianity and ask yourself if the worldview and bad theology of his father played any role? Why is it Biblically impossible to be a former Christian? Topic: What role is postmodernism and deconstructionism playing in numerous young adults now rejecting Christianity and how has their parents’ generation set the stage by undermining the authority of God’s Word?

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