Brannon Howse: Aired November 13, 2012


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The Department of Homeland Security is boasting on their website about the first graduating class of the FEMA Corps. These students are part of a community service program. In his book Grave Influence, Brannon warned of Williams James who was a new ager and pioneer of mandatory service. Obama signed a bill into law in April of 2009, calling for national service. The bill originally was to include mandatory national service in order to graduate from high school but that was taken out. The government now offer stipends and education money to students that willingly volunteer to go through government training on how to be community organizer like Saul Alinsky. Brannon warned in his book Grave Influence that this sort of thing was coming. Remember when Obama said “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” In April of 2009, the GIVE Act become law. This bill allows for 6 billion dollars over five years to be used to implement a national community service program. The Obama/Biden campaign website in 2008 said their goal was to make this mandatory. While it is voluntary now, many fear it will become mandatory. The GIVE Act prohibits students from being involved in religious activities while going through this government brainwashing. Brannon explains what this all has to do with the first graduating class of the FEMA Corps. Remember the FEMA report that classified as potential terrorists those who are pro-life, in favor of the 2nd Amendment, or are interested in Bible prophecy or are concerned with global governance? What kind of worldview training have these young people had at the hands of FEMA and DHS? What do they believe, what are their values, their ideas, and their philosophies? In Grave Influence Brannon warn that when the government indoctrinates kids with the worldview of William James or Saul Alinksy or Bill Ayers and then puts them in an civilian army then you are approaching a very perilous climate for liberty and freedom.

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