Brannon Howse: Aired November 21, 2013


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A caller yesterday brought up the fact that the word sorcery and pharmacy have the same root word of pharmakeia which is used in the Bible. Well, after spending the evening researching this, Brannon discusses that this is in fact true and that we actually see the word used in Revelation 9:20-21 in conjunction with the worship of demons. Brannon explains how drugs have been used for thousands of years to assist people in having altered states of consciousness in demonic and occult ceremonies. Topic: How might the ever increasing number of people that are being prescribed psychotropic drugs increase the numbers of people being introduced to occult activity of the demonic realm? Topic: Brannon plays an audio clip from the local, secular news station in Memphis in which a rather popular lady within the New Age and ecumenical movement is interviewed to discuss her claims that God has spoken to her along with an angel. Topic: We take your calls.

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