Brannon Howse: Aired November 21, 2014


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Topic: Brannon takes the first half of the program to discuss the serious economic, social, and constitutional implications of the Executive Order by President Obama to give amnesty and Social Security numbers to over 5 million illegal immigrants. Brannon explains how you can largely thank many of the so-called evangelical and pro-family leaders that were pushing for amnesty and were using Scripture out of context to do so just as Obama did during his prime-time address to the nation. Some of the pro-family groups that were not pushing amnesty were at the very least giving credibility to many of those that were despite being warned not to do so. Topic: Brannon names the names to remind you of who he thinks should also be credited with the partial destruction of America that this action will bring long run. Topic: What Scripture did Obama use out of context to justify his illegal action and what is the correct context of the passage Obama misquoted? Topic: The country and evangelicalism is melting down while pro-family groups continue to feed the simpletons a heavy diet of silly moralizing e-mails concerning who is not saying Merry Christmas and whether TLC will continue to carry the Duggers. Yet, no mention by the pro-family industrial complex of the evangelicals that twisted scripture to guilt evangelicals into thinking they are unbiblical for being opposed to amnesty. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss the Middle East. Topic: Synagogue slaughter brings back memories of the Holocaust and puts Israel on High Alert. Topic: A deadline for Iran’s nuclear deal draws close as Israel warns the world of a dangerous situation. Topic: Palestinians in Gaza Strip and in West Bank celebrate murders of Jews and call for more Jews to be killed. Topic: Israeli security forces uncover assassination plot on Israel’s Foreign Minister and other political leaders.

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