Brannon Howse: Aired November 24, 2014


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Topic: Is church membership in the Bible? Well, that depends on what you mean by church membership. Are Christians being unbiblical if they do not sign a form and join a 501-C3 corporation known as a church? Let us look at the Bible on this topic. Topic: In an article a columnist states that churches should not just let someone up and leave a church but that it might actually be more Biblical to require that the church leadership and even church members vote as to whether someone can remove their name from the church role. Why is this not only extra-Biblical but perhaps extra-creepy and even controlling and arrogant on the part of church leaders who don’t want you to resign because they might actually want the opportunity to excommunicate you and if you resign your membership they miss that opportunity? Why does this sound like junior high behavior? Topic: Why is church discipline not hindered by someone requesting to have their name taken off the church membership list? Topic: We take your calls.

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