Brannon Howse: Aired November 29, 2011


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Michael Reagan joins Brannon to discuss the Syracuse case and the Penn State case. Child molestation is now on the front page of the paper and on every news channel. Michael shares the shocking statics of how many children are molested and the percentage that go on to be child molesters themselves. How must the church respond to this issue? Are many churches guilty of sweeping this issue under the rug as did Penn State? Michel speaks form his personal testimony of being enraged for 30 years over a personal atrocity he thought was all God's fault, Michael Reagan lived an excruciating secret nightmare until he accepted Christ as his ultimate source of healing, not hurt. Despite being the son of one of America's greatest presidents, Michael Reagan was afraid of his own history and place in the Reagan family until the King of Kings adopted him into his family. With heart-wrenching candor, Michael tells the tragic childhood story of his abuse at the hands of a pitiless child molester. Through his riveting account, you'll experience Michael's private agony along with the exhilarating joy of seeing God turn his mourning into rejoicing.

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