Brannon Howse: Aired November 6, 2013


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Topic: Hear the audio of David Barton telling Glenn Beck he will not run for U.S. Senate in Texas. Just why is Barton not going to run? Topic: New York has a socialist or even Marxist as new mayor? Topic: Summit Ministries first announced this week that Jim Daly would speak for them in 2014. This is the same Daly that has interviewed Bono and called him a believer despite Bono’s unbiblical worldview. Why is Daly speaking for Summit? Now Summit has sent out an e-mail today with an article entitled: Want to Win the Culture? Focus on Human Flourishing. How about focusing on the gospel and Biblical evangelism instead of human flourishing? Why can the culture not be won or reclaimed? Why is the culture just a symptom of the spiritual condition of a people and their nation? The article sent out by Summit quotes Michael Miller of the Acton Institute that has a Catholic Priest as the co-founder and President and has numerous Catholics listed on its website among its speakers and faculty. The issue is that Acton on their website state that their goal includes “Acton University is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and integrate rigorous philosophy, Christian theology and sound economics.” How can a mixture of evangelicals with Catholics and other faiths be described as Christian theology? Why is the senior content advisor for Summit Ministries listed on the Acton website as working with Acton University? Some of the topics from the 2013 Acton University include: Getting Social Justice Right, Catholic Social Teaching 101, Evangelicals and Social Justice, Biblical Foundations of Freedom, Wealth and Poverty in the Gospel of Luke, The State in Catholic Thought and much more. Working with non-Christians on social issues like abortion is one thing but working together in a manner that incorporates theology or attempts to blend a Christian worldview with their worldview is a clear violation of 2 John 9-11, 2 Corinthians 6:14 and Romans 16:17 and is only promoting and encouraging ecumenicalism and confusing people as to what is real Biblical theology. Topic: We take your calls.

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