Brannon Howse: Aired November 6, 2014


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Topic: Did you know that in the 1950s America had an immigration problem that was creating crime and overloading the police? Did you know that President Eisenhower tapped a former General to round up illegals and remove them from America? In fact, after taking 80,000 into custody and removing them from America, an estimated 700,000 left Texas on their own. That is 700,000 that left Texas alone and went back to Mexico. Topic: Why can and should America do this sort of operation again? Don’t listen to those in their twenties and their ignorant, brainwashed, social justice, social-gospel, government school ideology that declares this cannot be done and that it is unchristian. Hear from the experts that were involved in the 1950s program as they testify that indeed it can be done today as it was in the 1950s. Brannon also explains why it is not unchristian but actually a Biblical mandate of government to make a stable and just society by combatting crime, theft, gangs, drug running, and those taking jobs and work from legal citizens. Topic: America can allow for a guest worker program just as Eisenhower did in the 1950s. Topic: The government can also severely punish businesses that hire illegals and once the flow of money &jobs is turned off and tens of thousands of illegals are deported deep into Mexico, illegals will be running to deport themselves. Topic: Don’t expect the republican leadership to stand up to Obama on amnesty because most of them are in the hip pocket of big business that wants cheap labor. Some of them are catholic and the Catholic Church according to numerous reports is also behind the amnesty agenda. Brannon explains why the Church of Rome is interested in flooding America with millions and millions of Catholics. Topic: We take your calls.

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