Brannon Howse: Aired October 10, 2013


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In 1988 The Economist Magazine cover article entitled, Get Ready for a World Currency, predicted a world reserve currency being implemented in 2018. In 2010, Dr. Alessandro Sassoli, the man behind the United Future World Currency that was presented in 2009 by then President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev to the G-8, gave an interview in which he said a world currency might be in place by 2018. The idea of a world currency was introduced around 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference by Fabian Socialist John Maynard Keynes and was to be called bancor. Bancor is derived from two words bank and gold. Why are central banks, that are destroying many currencies, buying gold at record levels? Are the actions of the central banks already revealing a plan to move to a global currency partially backed by gold and thus their large and historic purchases? John Maynard Keynes helped to found the International Monetary Fund and will likely be a major player in the introduction of a new world reserve currency. How are central banks planning for a new world reserve currency? How is the current, global currency war helping to lay the foundation for a new world reserve currency? How will a new world reserve currency be used to cause America and other nations to surrender their economic and political sovereignty? Brannon explains how occultist Alice Baily and her demon wrote the coming World Federation of Nations. According to the 1988 article in the Economist, how will a new world reserve currency be used to stop drastic inflation? How will the financial crisis that many are predicting for around 2015 be used to cause Americans to desire the new world currency described by The Economist Magazine in 1988? How could so-called conservatives be used to push the idea of a global world reserve currency and why? Topic: We take your calls.

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