Brannon Howse: Aired October 11, 2013


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Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss these topics: American Family Radio Network radio host calls Russian President Putin a lion of Christianity and defender of Christian values. Why is this a false statement? What is the real worldview of Putin the former KGB officer? How has Putin and Russian been supporting terrorists that are enemies of America and Israel? Why would a Christian talk show host makes such a silly and inaccurate statement? Topic: Recent poll indicates majority of Israelis perceive US as weak on Iran and Syria. Topic: Israeli Prime Minister warns European Union and the world - don't soften stand on Iran's Nukes. Topic: Israel very concerned about US stopping military aid to Egypt. Topic: Justin Peters calls in to give his thoughts on the AFA/AFR host calling Putin a lion of Christianity. Peters also tells us of another Word of Faith proponent that was recently interviewed and promoted on AFR. Topic: A Turkish Moslem leader says Moslems and Jews can jointly build the next Temple in Jerusalem. Topic: We take your calls.

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