Brannon Howse: Aired on October 12, 2011


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Brannon’s guest is Chris Pinto. Topic: Hear Pastor Robert Jeffress introduce Rick Perry at a political conference in which Jeffress proclaims Perry is a born-again, conservative, evangelical, that is committed to Biblical values. Is that why Perry pushed HPV shots on little girls, held a prayer event in August with false teachers of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation, has reportedly pushed pro-Islamic curriculum in Texas schools, has said that same-sex marriage is a state’s rights issue in New York and whose campaign has come out and said Mormonism is not a cult? While Pastor Jeffress is right on many issues, his recent speech on behalf of Perry is what Brannon and Chris believe is an example of why Pastors should not become promoters of politicians. Brannon and Chris believe that for pastors to publically declare a politician is committed to Biblical values can actually harm the gospel and the testimony of Christians when that politician acts as a politician and says and embraces things that are not in accord with Biblical truth. Topic: Hear Rick Joyner say that many of the Founding Fathers were dominionists working to build the Kingdom of God on earth. Topic: Is a book by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and Harry Jackson of High Impact Leadership entitled, Personal Faith, Public Policy, a sign of the convergence going on within the New Religious Right? What seems to be missing from the seven strategies Perkins and Jackson layout? Can America really be changed through “conservatisms” or a conservative social gospel?

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