Brannon Howse: Aired October 14, 2014


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Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: My pastor taught that the New Covenant was made between God and Christ, not God and people. Does Scripture not clearly teach us that Christ is the substance, mediator, and fulfillment of the New Covenant between God and man, ratified by His blood? Question: What was the population of the earth during the Tower of Babel and by the time Abraham was called out of Ur? Question: I have always been taught that Old Testament saints would receive their glorified bodies at the rapture of the church. However, after closer study it seems that only the church is involved in the rapture and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Paul said, "The dead in Christ will rise first" (1 Thess. 4:16, NKJV). If this is the case, when will the Old Testament saints receive their glorified bodies – as well as the tribulation saints and the millennial saints? Question: What are accurate versus inaccurate ways to describe how God's Word is “living and powerful” (Heb. 4:12)? Would it be Neo-Orthodox to think that, since God's Word is living, it is purposely designed to mean quite different things to different people on different days? Question: When comparing Acts 3:1 and Acts 4:3, we see that several hours have taken place between the healing of the lame man and the Temple guards arresting Peter and John. The message Peter gave at Solomon’s Portico is quite short. Shall we believe that these were the exact words of Peter or shall we take it that this is an edited paraphrase of something Peter said at that time? Question: How are Christians to respond to violence against yourself or your family? I have heard Christians say that we should carry a gun and if need be use it in self-defense. But from the Scriptures I see Jesus and many of His apostles and disciples being martyred, not defending their lives, but saying it was an honor to be persecuted for Jesus' sake. I also read that the Lord will take revenge, not us. Also, my thought is that if I know that I am going to heaven to be with Christ, and know that someone who is attacking me is not a believer, is it not more loving to allow them to live and hopefully repent and believe in Christ? Question: Do demons automatically leave a person who becomes a Christian? Do demons cause diseases, such as cancer? Question: Did the Jews not believe in a triune God? I realize they do not accept Jesus as the Messiah – but they still await the Messiah. There are clearly verses in the Old Testament that also talk about the Spirit of God. Question: What systematic theology books do you recommend? Question: How do you view the state of dispensational theology?

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