Brannon Howse: Aired October 16, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John”. First Brannon discusses and interesting situation his family encountered in the middle of the night in Minneapolis this past Sunday. Brannon also reads a news report that states that a well-known evangelical author and speaker is reportedly engaged to a women while still being married to his wife. Here are the questions our listeners ask Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: I was supposed to have jury duty today, but I was able to reschedule it. They were saying that a judge was going to come in and we were to take an oath. But we are not supposed to take oaths. Our yes is to be yes and are no is no. Isn’t that correct?

Question: Biblically speaking, who in the church would be qualified to select a new pastor? What should be the criteria used in deciding who should be a part of the pastoral search committee? It seems that most churches want to form a search team composed of a variety of people in the church – men, women, church leaders, lay people, long-time members and new members. Is that Biblical? Would it not be better for the elders to comprise the search team and select the new pastor?

Question: I have heard you mention a couple times that baptism was a public profession of faith. This has not been my understanding of baptism. I understand baptism for the forgiveness of sins as seen in Mark 1:4 and other verses. Where does the Bible teach that baptism is a public profession of faith?

Question: I just found out that the earliest manuscripts did not have Mark 16:9-20 in them. When were they added to the Bible? Verses 17 and 18 are especially problematic. I have family members who are Pentecostal and they teach these things as signs of having the Holy Ghost. Aren't these "signs" also prevalent in the New Apostolic Reformation as well?

Question: Before the fall of Adam, what were parasites that have complex life cycles (such as black spot in fish and malaria) doing?

Question: My understanding is that all air-breathing animals were put on the ark. Does that include gnats, termites and all other insects that we detest? Also, were whales on the ark?

Question: The waters of the flood came from the earth as it opened up besides coming from the heavens. Wouldn't that have killed all the fish? If so, did God recreate some of His creatures?

Question: Is the Gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Christ different than the Gospel of Grace proclaimed by the Apostle Paul?

Question: Is the Sermon on the Mount Law? Does it apply to Christians today – not to become saved, but as a way to live after you are saved?

Question: Does the Bible address whether or not people with mental illnesses will enter heaven the same as infants? What about those with mental illnesses who take their own lives?

Question: I realize that the Book of Enoch is not inspired Scripture, but is it dangerous to study from it for its historical value? Is it a history book, or a dangerous, Gnostic writing?

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