Brannon Howse: Aired October 2, 2012


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Brannon's guest today is Dr. John Whitcomb. Listener questions include the following: Question: Can you shed some light on the exchange between Jesus and Peter in John 21:15-17? I am asking about the word play revolving around the word "love" used in these verses. Question: What does Luke 10:17-22 mean? Don't all Christians have authority over the demons since this was the 70, not just the 12 apostles? Question: Jimmy DeYoung teaches that Christ builds his own Temple and that the earthly Temple is destroyed. Dr. Whitcomb, as I heard it, said that the earthly Temple is cleansed by Jesus to be used in the Millennial Kingdom. Which one is correct? Could you clarify? Question: How is it possible that Israel could sign a peace treaty during the tribulation, when Bible prophecy clearly states that within three years the peace treaty will no longer be honored? Are the people during this period not aware of Bible prophecy? Question: Ask Dr John to explain who the saints are in Rev. 5:8 and Rev 8:3-5, along with the “golden censer” full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints. Is this a picture of what is going on in Heaven now or during the Tribulation period? Are these saints Christians now or the Tribulation saints? Question: Churches in my area canceled church services or changed their times for a ball game. It seems like this is happening more and more and not just for ball games. This really bothers me. Am I being too picky? Question: Proverbs 26:24-26 – What are the seven abominations in his heart? Question: Recently I was talking to a friend of mine who is Pentecostal. We got on the subject of the Trinity, and what we believe is not the same. He said his church teaches that there is one God but three different manifestations. They do not believe in Three in One. When I started to quote Scriptures where God is spoken of in a plural form (i.e., Gen. 1:26), he told me those passages are not translated correctly. I do not speak Hebrew, but I find it hard to believe that this is true. Question: Is there anything in Scripture that would point to a Muslim being the Antichrist? Question: Our son is engaged to a girl who isn't born again and we feel quite unsettled about this. Are we to get any guidance from Samson marrying a Philistine – that it was "of the Lord" (Judges 14:3-4)?

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