Brannon Howse: Aired October 21, 2014


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Topic: Hear the new audio of Kenneth Copeland shouting and attempting to bind the demon of Ebola. Then listen as he takes Psalm 91:3 out of context. Brannon puts it back into context. Then listen as he takes Deuteronomy 28 out of context as well as Isaiah 53:5. Brannon explains the true context of these passages. Brannon told you a few weeks ago that these guys would claim they could heal Ebola. Topic: When we see video of people like Copeland or so called-evangelicals leaders promoting and interviewing in an affirming manner false teachers that believe, among other things, that they are binding Satan, binding the demon of Ebola, gold dust is falling, that glory clouds are appearing, you would think it was a parody or skit on a television program as they seek to mock Christians. Yet, these videos are not a parody or a joke but real. Brannon explains why he believes these false teachers are leading millions astray and are given credibility by the pro-family industrial complex as Brannon warned about years ago and in his book Religious Trojan Horse. Topic: The USA Vineyard Churches has put out a white paper entitled Pastoring LGBT Persons. In this report the Vineyards says they will serve communion willingly to gays and lesbians and those living in open and unrepentant sin. What does Paul say about this in I Corinthians 11? Pastor Mike Abendroth joins us to tell us the Biblical standard his church follows in regards to communion. Topic: We take your calls.

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