Brannon Howse: Aired October 22, 2013


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Topic: Pope Francis, according to Vatican Radio, has declared that the Church of Rome is a Women and a Mother. Brannon agrees she is a Woman that will ride the beast as described in Revelation 17 and she is the mother of harlots also described in Revelation 17. Topic: Today it is very politically incorrect to say that the Pope could be the antichrist but as we will see from history, major Christian leaders such as Calvin, Knox, Edwards, Luther and Hodges believed the Pope was the antichrist. This view was popular for hundreds of years and Brannon shares it with you today just as a point of history and instruction. Brannon believes the one-world religion will be based in Rome as seems to be described in Revelation 17 but he believes the Pope is most likely to be the false prophet and the antichrist will be a world leader committed to New Age spirituality that fits with the Church of Rome since the father of the New Age is Jesuit priest De Chardin. Topic: The father of Ted Cruz was at the church of Larry Huch and now we have figured out just who Larry Huck is and what he believes. Hear the tape for yourself. Topic: We take your calls.

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