Brannon Howse: Aired October 27, 2014


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Guest: Dr. John Crew is a vascular surgeon and wound care specialist. Dr. John has treated 30 patients with the flesh eating virus known as necrotizing fasciitis. The death rate is 70% to 80% and most patients lose an arm or leg. Yet, the 30 patients Dr. Crew has treated have all survived and not one has lost a limb. The work of Dr. Crew has led to the product NeutroPhase. Hear the encouraging story of this Christian doctor and how God has providentially orchestrated his steps. Dr. Crew also talks about other things such as Ebola and other viruses and how antibiotics dumped into rivers in countries like India can lead to antibiotic resistant viruses. Topic: Before we get to Dr. John we hear from the city spokesman for Coeur d’Alene, Idaho that says that the pro-family groups that are putting out headlines declaring that a couple has been threatened with arrest for refusing to marry gays is 100% false. We told you last week about the headline from the American Family Association that we questioned the accuracy of based on Christian talk show host John Loeffler, whom lives in Coeur d’Alene, contacting us. The city spokesman says that this couple was never threatened nor any charges filed and that the city considers the wedding chapel exempt from the city ordinance because it is a religious corporation. Brannon explains why he is opposed to the city ordinance in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho but also shares his concerns about how he believes the pro-family industrial complex damages the reputation of Christian journalists when they are not involved in accurately reporting important stories that impact religious freedom. Topic: We take your calls.

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