Brannon Howse: Aired October 30, 2012


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Theologian Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for “Ask Dr. John”. Question: I struggle with immigration in America. The struggle is between looking at illegal immigrants as God does (strangers in the land needing our help, assistance and Christian love) or from a human viewpoint. When we help folks find jobs, sign up for government assistance, find housing or learn English, as many churches do, aren't we aiding them in their breaking the laws of the land? One time I look at them as people needing Christ; the next time I see people who break the law and take jobs from my kids and grandkids. Question: Please interpret 2 Thess. 2:15: "Stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." The Catholic Church teaches that this is the reason some of their teachings are passed down by tradition and not just by the Word of God. Is that true? Question: In Matthew 18, Christ is talking to His disciples and he speaks of the "church." The church had yet to be established, and synagogue worship was still in existence even into the book of Acts. Is this a mistranslation of the word “church”? Question: Would you explain to me the meaning of Matthew 16: 18, 19? The Catholic Church interprets that as Peter being the first pope, but I have been told that Jesus was referring to Himself as the 'rock' in this passage. Also, the Catholic Church interprets v. 19 to mean that sins should be confessed to a priest and he forgives sins. The Lutheran church also has a means whereby the pastor gives absolution. Is either a correct Biblical interpretation? Question: I am very confused about purgatory. I know it is not in the Protestant Bible. However, some also try to explain it by Luke 16:22. Can you clarify this? Question: The apostles didn't, or at least shouldn't have, thought that Jesus' return was imminent. Jesus told the apostles that Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed, with no stone left upon another. That hadn't happened yet and wouldn't happen for another 40 years. The Jews would have to be back in their land before He returned and Israel didn't become a nation again until 1948. I want to know what you think about this. Question: What is the wrath of God? How is the wrath of God seen in the world today? How does the wrath of God that begins in the “day of the Lord” differ from the national judgment we see in Romans 1? Question: My pastor has been influenced by a new person in our church and her willingness to lead prayer and has even, through the denomination, made her an assistant pastor in charge of prayer and outreach. Recently at our Sunday service he has started praying that we should always have the victory. He mentioned that we should rebuke the devil and ask the Lord to bind him up and send him into the depths of hell where he belongs. I am conflicted about this – can you help me?

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