Brannon Howse: Aired October 7, 2013


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Learn how Common Core increases computer tracking of private data. Educational computers are storing private data on students and many parents are not happy. On this installment of Worldview Radio Brannon reports on a New York Times Article dated October 5, 2013 that reveals how the liberal Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Carnegie Corporation of New York are helping to fund the system known as inBloom that stores the private data on students. Much of this data is making its way from governments to corporations. Brannon details how the effort to track students and their worldview in order to change their behavior and beliefs has been going on at the federal government level since 1963. From the beginning the stated goal has been to track private data on parents and students and now computer companies are making huge amounts of money as the federal education plan Common Core increase the computer tracking and harvesting of personal and private beliefs of America’s children and their parents.

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