Brannon Howse: Aired September 11, 2012


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Question: Will you explain the meaning of it? Psalm 82:6 (NKJV): “6 I said, You are gods,[a] And all of you are children of the Most High.” Question: Is there Scriptural evidence that innocent children (and presumably people who never develop mentally beyond childlike understanding) would be snatched up at the Rapture? It would seem that all of the children perished along with the adults in Noah's Flood as well as the judgment at Sodom and Gomorrah. Question: Will the entire world hear the trumpet sound and the angel shout at the time of the rapture, or will only those being raptured hear the sounds? Question: The Mark of the Beast in Revelation: Is that before the Rapture or after the Rapture of the Christian Church from the earth ? Who will have the Mark? Rev 13:16, Rev. 15:2 Also where is the Rapture found in Scripture? Question: Dan. 7:25: “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.” Isn't this verse talking about the 3 1/2 years of tribulation? If so, it appears the saints are still here and not raptured making this a mid-tribulation (rapture). Question: Revelation 16 :8-9 talks about the heat from the sun – is that now or later? Everybody talks about global warming and America is having this huge drought and the farming community is suffering. Question: When the bible requires us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, isn't that really up to God how much we are filled? Are there different levels of being filled as we live out our Christian lives? Question: How are Christians to behave toward people who are under judgment from God. How can Christians tell if someone is under God's judgment, and does that matter in how we behave toward them or toward the false teachers who confirm them in their sin? Question: Please explain chapter 14 of Genesis. I do not understand any of it very much, but verses 17 through 24 are especially difficult for me. I once heard a preacher say that Melchizedek was an incarnation of Christ. If that is true, please explain how that conclusion was reached. Also, in the last part of verse 20, who is the "he" and the "him"referring to in "And he gave him tithes of all." Question: My son asked about "Nephilim" or giants. Could you ask Dr. Whitcomb about these from his Old Testament studies?

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