Brannon Howse: Aired September 16, 2013


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Chris Pinto joins Brannon today to discuss a topic that is very controversial but should not be. Question: First off you are not a King James Only proponent correct? Question: I understand your concerns about Codex Sinaiticus are completely different from those of the King James Only crowd and things they do not even really know about. Question: What is Codex Sinaiticus? Question: When was it discovered and by who? Question: Was this man connected to the Vatican that discovered Codex Sinaiticus? Question: How many corrections does it contain? Question: Codex Sinaiticus seems to be surrounded in controversy and serious questions so why are people that question its authenticity attacked and called names by even some Christian? Question: Are those that have called you names just ill-informed? Question: If reporting on the Jesuits, Masons, and Masonic statues and occult symbols and secret societies causes some discernment bloggers to call you names then why are these same bloggers not attacking John MacArthur for talking about the Masons, Jesuits, and even the secret words of Masons as he did in a sermon we have played here on our program? Why are they not attacking President John F. Kennedy for his speech against Secret Societies that he delivered when he was President of the United States? The answer may be these bloggers claim to like Pastor MacArthur so they have a double standard and only attack with what and when it fits their agenda. Question: What is higher criticism? Question: How do those committed to higher criticism use Codex Sinaiticus to undermine the authority of the Word of God? Question: What experts or theologians have questioned Codex Sinaiticus? Question: Did not Dave Hunt also question Codex Sinaiticus? Question: How did higher criticism begin and how does all of this serve the purpose of Rome in the world today? What is her objective? Topic: Our phone lines filled up in a matter of seconds and we take your calls.

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