Brannon Howse: Aired September 18, 2014


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Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Kirk Cameron goes on Catholic Radio program Busted Halo with Father Dave.  Hear a few audio clips from the interview. Topic: Kirk promotes his next movie about keeping Christ in Christmas and says it is about understanding the Biblical foundations for the traditions and celebrations of Christmas including Santa Clause, Christmas trees, the nativity, to all the presents to the feasting. Hear a few audio clips from Dr. John MacArthur explaining that Christmas trees and Santa, and other such trappings of Christmas, have a pagan origin that started around 450 A.D. and not a Biblical origin. Dr. MacArthur explains how and why Christians can observe a Biblical Christmas without compromise but points to the fact that the root of Christmas and much of the trappings comes from paganism and the Church of Rome. Topic: Kirk seemed to have a great opportunity to share the gospel and speak of the moral law and repentance, as he proclaimed for years with Ray Comfort, but he failed to do so on this Catholic radio program. Topic: Justin explains why he finds it troubling that Kirk said he needed fellowship or community with others including Father Dave as though Father Dave was part of the New Testament Church of believers. Why does Justin believe this is not Biblical? Topic: On the program Kirk was asked to share his testimony but never explained the gospel. Topic: Kirk said that Father Dave would agree with him that we should point people to the true Hero who is the one that died for our sins. Justin explains how the Church of Rome has a twisted gospel that is not Biblical and a false Jesus that is not the Jesus of the Bible. Topic: Kirk explains that his life in Hollywood before God was like hamburger and his life after Christ is like filet mignon. However, is this not the very thing Kirk once spoke against when working with Ray Comfort? Topic: Kirk speaks of Christians being called to shape the culture through movies and books and fashion. Where in the Bible are Christians given the Great Commission of shaping the culture? Does this reveal a reconstructionist theology by Kirk?

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