Brannon Howse: Aired September 2, 2014


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Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Please share your thoughts on the Gap Theory. Between Gens 1:1 and 2, is this where Lucifer and the angels fell and God had to basically recreate everything because Satan destroyed it all? Question: In Gen. 1:16, God said He made “the greater light to rule the day,” which is the sun. By saying after that, “He made the stars also,” might that mean that our sun is not a star at all but something more special? Question: How did Adam and Eve hear God walking in Gen. 3:8? Question: Why does Num. 1-3 include such extensive genealogies? How are we to study them? Question: Is it appropriate for people today to throw out a fleece like Gideon did in Judg. 6:36-40? Question: Why did God listen to Satan and allow him to test Job? Question: What are “the seven thunders” of Rev. 10:3, 4? Question: When do we receive our glorified bodies? Is it at death, at the rapture or at the second coming? Question: What do you expect to see happen next in all of the chaos in the Middle East? Question: Why are so many Christian leaders failing in our day?

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