Brannon Howse: Aired September 20, 2012


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Brannon’s guest is Chris Pinto and the topic is the new documentary by Pinto entitled Tares Among the Wheat. Question: You’ve been working on this film for the past two and a half years. And this is the continuation of “A Lamp in the Dark.” What is part two about? Question: Tell us about this first audio clip, where you quote J.A. Wylie in the film – something to do with the impact of the Reformation? Question: Now, what about this second clip. This is from an interview with Dr. Ronald Cooke about the Jesuits and the Counter Reformation? Question: The film deals with the history of Higher Criticism and how it originated with the Jesuits. Can you talk about that? Question: You have a segment in the documentary that deals with the Vatican and its history of forgeries. This next audio clip deals with something called “The Decretals of Isidore …?” Let’s play it and then have you explain why “forgery” and “Rome” are important to the Bible’s history. Question: Your film deals with the discovery of the Codex Siniaiticus by the German scholar, Constantine von Tischendorf. What did you learn about him that relates to the Vatican and their involvement with the Bible? Question: Now the climax of your film is that after this manuscript – the Codex Sinaiticus – was discovered by the German scholar, von Tischendorf … a Greek scholar came forward – names Constantine Simonides -- and he claimed that the manuscript was not ancient at all – but said that it was a modern work created by him in the year 1840. Why was his testimony rejected? Question: Do you think it’s possible that Constantine Simonides was telling the truth?

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