Brannon Howse: Aired September 23, 2013


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Topic: What will a currency war mean for America and the rest of the world? Today Brannon plays some audio clips by Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, to help us understand this very important topic and how we should respond for the protection of our families. Topic: What is Russia and China going to do with all the gold they are storing up? Topic: Why are America’s financial policy makers trying to create inflation and thus devalue the American dollar? Topic: What rate of inflation are Americans likely to see in the future? Topic: When the American dollar finally fails and ceases to be the world reserve currency what is likely to become the new world reserve currency? Topic: Since the financial crisis of 2008, America’s biggest banks are in even worse shape financially according to numerous reports. What are derivatives and what is the exposure that America’s biggest banks have in regards to derivatives when compared to their total assets? Topic: How can people from all over the globe prepare for what is to come financially in the days ahead? Topic: We take your calls.

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