Brannon Howse: Aired September 30, 2014


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Ask Dr. John with theologian Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Can you explain the Holy Trinity to me? Who do I address when I pray – the Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, or do I just say God? Question: In Ex. 4:11, 12 the LORD rebukes Moses by saying, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord?” (NKJV). Why does the LORD take credit for making people with disabilities when this is man's fault? Question: What does Matthew 17:10-13 mean? Was John the Baptist just Elijah in a new body? Was it the same Elijah who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration? Question: Can you explain more about the Apostle Paul’s work of tent making? Is this the way that ministers should work today? Question: Will there be sin during the Millennium? I know Satan will be bound and Jesus will rule, but will those who live on into the Millennium in their natural bodies still have the sin nature, as well their offspring? Question: Will believers be filled with the Spirit in heaven? Question: My girlfriend invited me to her church and afterward asked me what I thought. I said that the female pastor teaching the congregation troubled me. When she asked me why I told her the Bible states that women should not be in a leadership role in the church. But when I went to look it up I only found one passage – 1 Tim. 2:12. Are there other verses on this? Was this just for the church of Ephesus or is this for everyone and for today? Question: My pastor says that God's Word is alive. If you read a passage one day and get no meaning out of it and then later read that same passage and it speaks to your circumstances, is this Biblical? It seems to me like this is a way of twisting Scripture to get it to say what you want. Question: Can demons possess people today? Is it common or rare? Topic: We take your calls.

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