Brannon Howse: Aired September 4, 2012


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Topic: The author of a new study on politics and Christians posted on Brannon’s Facebook page last week. The description of his new study declared, “The future of America depends on what Christians do—or don’t do?” Is this a true statement or not? The description declared “So much is at stake and Christians could change everything by getting involved. But they’re nowhere to be found.” Is this a true statement? Could Christians change everything by being involved politically? Could Christians change everything even if God has chosen to turn our nation over as described in Romans 1? The description continued “If America fails it will be the fault of believers who knew the truth but refused to stand for it.” Would that include the truth of the gospel and the truth of not entering into ecumenical, spiritual enterprises for political pragmatism? An e-mail blast promoting this new study declared “…the statement ‘Christianity is above politics’ sounds holy, but actually promotes idolatry and cowardice—and prevents us from becoming more like Christ.” Is this a true statement? Is Christianity as defined by the gospel and the Great Commission not above politics? Topic: Brannon plays a clip by Dr. John MacArthur on why pastors should be known for the gospel and not political activism. MacArthur also explains why Christians must vote and be involved in upholding righteousness in the civil arena but there must be a balance and we must remember our first priority as Christians. Brannon adds to MacArthur comments by explaining the importance of not confusing the role of the Church with the role of civil government. Topic: Hear a portion of the audio of Glenn Beck being interviewed by Matthew Crouch of TBN which is the TV network filled with false teachers. Beck claims his speech in Dallas in July was given to him by God and he just dictated it as he received it. Helen Schucman also claimed to have received a message from Jesus that she dictated. Interestingly enough, Beck writes in one of his books that he read Schucman’s book that is now the Bible of the New Age. Topic: TBN is now promoting Glenn Beck? Yet, David Jeremiah claimed on TBN a few months ago that God was using TBN. Hear the audio for yourself. Why is it that the more Beck reveals about his true beliefs the more “Christians” seem to work with him or taking part in spiritual enterprises that include Beck? Topic: We take your calls.

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