Brannon Howse: Aired September 8, 2014


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Special Report: Guest: Colin Flaherty, best-selling author on black flash mobs that are assaulting whites. Colin is author of White Girl Bleed a Lot. The title is based on what one attacker said that was filmed while standing on a white girl that was bleeding after a mob attack. His book looks at over 100 cities in which black mob violence has included the knockout game.Topic: My 14 year old daughter was at the delta fair Saturday night, near Memphis, with friends and was standing in line and was randomly assaulted by two black high school girls. My daughter had no idea who they were or why they would just walk up to her and physically assault her. A high school football player she does not know came to her aid. After I posted this on FB, a follower suggested I interview Colin Flaherty.  The same night my daughter was assaulted at the Delta Fair, a mob of black teens assaulted three people in a Kroger Parking lot. The victims were knocked unconscious. The video of these attacks are now going viral. Colin joins us to explain the racist worldview with which young black youth are being inculcated and the lies about America that is also fueling this type of behavior. Much of their anger is being fueled by what they are taught in schools and even in churches. You will be shocked at what Colin reports that includes a judge stating that some white victims deserved what they received. Topic: What can Americans expect if an economic collapse is merged with an orchestrated race war? Topic: A black student is assaulted by another black girl after getting off a school bus for reportedly being too white? How are many black students also targets of violence, harassment, and ridicule for simply making good grades, holding down a job, and seeking to be productive students and citizens? Topic: We take your calls that includes two black ministers that are greatly concerned with the black on black and black on white crimes.

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