Brannon Howse: April 14, 2015


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Topic: How could practicing church discipline actually protect churches in the future on the issue of homosexuality and same-sex marriage? Topic: If a church does not practice church discipline then is it really a church? If a church did not practice communion, the baptism of believers, or preaching, would you call it a church? Then why do we call a church a church that does not practice church discipline? Topic: Listen as Brannon details the latest scandals within the law enforcement community such as the Secret Service, TSA, and DEA. Why are we seeing a moral breakdown in professions such as the Secret Service that were once known for men of integrity, self-control, discipline, and excellence? Topic: If the federal government federalizes the police of America Brannon explains how it will be Americans that are to blame. As Americans have increasingly become adolescent-adults that are more interested in entertainment and sports, we have elected local and county politicians that have not upheld the purpose of government but instead spent the money on feeding the voters more sports complexes, fields and entertainment. Thus, limited tax resources that should have been spent on high law enforcement salaries that produce the best candidates have instead been squandered on lavish soccer fields, football fields, lighting and even indoor sport complexes. The end result is one story after another of unqualified law enforcement involved in illegal, immoral, reckless, and even murderous behavior. All of these stories play right into the hands of the socialists that want to federalize American police and the American people are the primary ones to blame for their misplaced priorities, ignorance, and selfish desires for government handouts above moral government. Sadly, many of the good police officers will leave their profession before following in line with such unconstitutional actions thus depriving America of more men of good character in law enforcement. Topic: We take your calls.

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