Brannon Howse: April 18


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Yale was started as a Christian College in 1701 to train Christian leaders and because Harvard had become too liberal. Today, 2008, a student has an art display that is the contents of her forced abortions along with footage of her aborting in her bathtub. She would take sperm that was given to her by "fabricators" and inseminate herself "as often as possible." She would then make herself abort using drugs and turned it into art. Yale now says it was a joke but the student claims it is NOT. Topic Two: Teens beating up each other to post on the internet. What does this say for America's future? Topic Three: Coach told he can not bow his head in prayer when his football players pray. Topic Four: Students told they will fail the entire year if they don't show up at 'gay day' also known as the national day of silence.

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