Brannon Howse: April 6, 2010


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Brannon's guest today is Jan Markell. Jan and Brannon discuss John Piper inviting Rick Warren to speak at his national conference. Why would John Piper do this? Is John in agreement with what appears to be Warren's social justice agenda as Warren calls for the solution to the world's problems being the three legged stool of government, corporations, churches? Rick Warren states in his book The Purpose Driven Life that end-times issues are really none of our business. Really? What does God say about this? What has John Piper had to say about end-times issues and why is he not a supporter of the nation of Israel? John Piper is showing a serious lack of discernment in this decision. Is it possible that Piper was taken in by the Warren personality and not the facts? Does Piper agree with Rick Warren's endorsement of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that is working to bring the religions of the world together? Does Piper agree with Warren signing the Yale Center document that states that Christians and Muslims worship the same God? This is a very sad day for the church in America. Another leader we thought had enough common sense and Biblical discernment not to be taken in has revealed otherwise. Please pray that John Piper will change his mind and withdraw the speaking invitation of Rick Warren at his conference. John Piper is giving Rick Warren credibility and thus Piper is losing his.

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