Brannon Howse: April 8, 2010


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Topic One: Brannon reads some of his hate mail from this week. Topic Two: Obama bans the term "Islamic Extremism" and "Jihad" from U.S security document. Topic Three: Why you should not give money to the RNC. Topic Four: The same template that was used to pass ObamaCare will be used to turn millions of illegal aliens into U.S. residents and voters. Topic Four: How the Obama Administration gets things done when they cannot get it done through the rule of law. Topic Five: The fork at the road for America. Will Americans chose liberty or tyranny or will they even be allowed to chose liberty because of massive voter fraud? Topic Six: What happens when a currency goes away? Topic Seven: What is the New World Order? Topic Eight: How is the liberal media attempting to intimidate conservatives and Tea Party members into being silent

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