Brannon Howse: August 11, 2010


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Topic One: Federal government workers average compensation is double of private sector workers. Has Obama's economic plans destroy free-market capitalism in the United States of America; the ruling class grows more powerful. Topic Two: Citrus Tea Party group breaks ties with candidate. Many believe this is another example of a liberal progressive penetrating the Tea Party movement. Topic Three: Leaked Justice Department memo shows Obama may be planning to use executive power to make illegal aliens legal residents and thus voters. Topic Four: Listen to what is included in the next stimulus bill. Topic Five: Islamic Centers being built in Nashville and Memphis. These are huge Islamic Centers and has a five page article on some of the reported extremists involved in these centers including Sheikh Yasir Qadhi. Qadhi gave a speech in 2001 and referred to the Holocaust as "false propaganda". It has been discovered that Qadhi's institute has on its list of alumni "underwear bomber" Umar Farouk Adbulmutallah and reportedly includes terrorist Daniel Madlonado, also known as Daniel Aljughaifi. Topic Six: Pastor Stone in Memphis has his church across the street from this Islamic Center and is letting them use his water so they can mix cement; he lets them use his parking lot and has offered them use of his church for events or programs. I think pastor Stone must have rocks for brains when he says, "Muslim people are kind of like Christian people, they're all over the board politically, socially, religiously, you know they all take the name Muslim but they're very different kinds of people, and I just would say don't judge a whole faith or a particular expression of it by some people you may have heard about and don't even really know." You keep telling yourself Pastor Stone. There are ignorant Christians that actually think the whole 9-11 terrorist attacks could have been prevented if we just understood each other more. Topic Seven: Humanists believe that Christians will usher in a theocracy but the reality is, ignorant evangelicals and the religious left may help usher in an Islamic theocracy. Topic Eight: We take your calls.

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