Brannon Howse: August 12, 2010


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Topic One: Joel Rogers admits shutting down power plants and not driving cars will not have an impact on stopping global warming. So why are the liberals pushing cap and trade and other radical environmental extremism? Topic Two: How change agents in church consulting firms and some pastors that are change agents use the seeker friendly church movement to bring in unbelievers so they can pit them against believers and create and dialectic process and get Christians to compromise Biblical truth in order to achieve consensus. Topic Three: Christians that do not conform in these "sinner friendly" churches are told in word or deed to move on. Topic Four: Fred Schwarz warned us back in the 1950s that Communists would co-op pastors to gain credibility. Mr. Schwarz also said the Communists would take scripture out of context and ask that pastor how they could not support their work when they were trying to help the poor, the homeless and the widows and orphans. Through such emotional manipulation Schwarz warned that many pastors would support the Communist because they be ignorant as to what Communism really is. Topic Five: Hear quotes from Rick Warren on how he polled his church so he could give them what they want. Topic Six: We take your calls.

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