Brannon Howse: August 13


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Topic: Understanding Sustainable Development. Description: All the issues we face today such as liberal education reform, socialized medicine, euthanasia through healthcare rationing, population control which is abortion on demand, the attempt to take the public's guns, destruction of free-market capitalism, the promotion of pagan spirituality, global warming and the move toward global governance is all connected through sustainable development. In 1992, at the UN's Earth Summit in Brazil, all these ideas were brought together in two major documents called "Agenda 21" and the "Biodiversity Treaty". All of these ideas are being funded without debate or approval by the U.S. Congress and Brannon explains how. Obama's science czar John Holdren has been a major player in all this as well Peter Singer and Maurice Strong which are friends of many within the Obama administration. Listen and hear what the liberal media will not report.

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